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Your visionboard 2025 - 11/01/2024

Start into the New Year with a crystal clear vision coming from your heart!

Instead of doing it the usual way of writing the things down from the mind and focusing on the external things you want to achieve and experience (new house, new watch, that cruise through the Caribbean, etc.), we will create the visionboard from the inside out.

Connecting to the heart, uncovering those core emotions of how to feel daily, moving and anchoring them through the entire body with intuitive movement and somatic practices and then putting it all onto paper.

Creating your vision from the inside out charges it wish so much more focus and intention making it super magnetic and lasting for the entire year.


10:30 - 10:45 Welcome & Intro

10:45 - 11:30 Moving Meditation & Embodied Flow Movement

11:30 - 13:10 Vision Board Creating (all material will be provided)

13:10 - 13:30 Sharing & Closing Circle

What do you need:

A water bottle

A journal to write down some additional insights

Comfortable clothes to move in.

Snacks & tea will be provided.

No previous experience is required.

This will be a fun, interactive and insightful morning among other beautiful souls wishing to co-create their life in a pro-active and aligned way.

I look forward to having you with us.


¡Comienza el Año Nuevo con una visión clara que nazca de tu corazón!

En lugar de hacerlo de la manera habitual, escribiendo las cosas que surgen de tu mente y concentrándote en las cosas externas que quieres lograr y experimentar (casa nueva, reloj nuevo, ese crucero por el Caribe, etc.), crearemos el tablero de visión desde adentro hacia afuera.

Conectándonos con el corazón, descubriendo esas emociones centrales de cómo te quieres sentir a diario, moviéndolas y anclándolas a través de todo el cuerpo con movimientos intuitivos y prácticas somáticas y luego poniéndolo todo en papel.

Crear tu visión desde adentro hacia afuera la carga con mucho más enfoque e intención, haciéndola súper magnética y duradera durante todo el año.


10:30 - 10:45 Bienvenida e introducción

10:45 - 11:30 Meditación en movimiento y Embodied Flow Movement

11:30 - 13:10 Creación de tableros de visión (se proporcionará todo el material)

13:10 - 13:30 Círculo de intercambio y cierre

Qué necesitas:

Una botella de agua

Un diario para escribir algunas realizaciones adicionales

Ropa cómoda para moverse.

Se proporcionarán snacks y té.

No se requiere experiencia previa.

Esta será una mañana divertida, interactiva y reveladora entre otras almas hermosas que desean co-crear su vida de una manera proactiva y alineada.

Espero tenerte con nosotros.


Bio Anne-Christin:

Anne-Christin is a Embodiment Coach for Emotional Health certified as an Embodied Feminine Flow Teacher and Holosomatic Breath- & Bodywork Therapist as well as an Intuitive Reiki Practitioner and has been on the self-growth journey for more almost 10 years now.

Already early on, she noticed that the key element to truly change your life is to integrate movement and intuitive dancing into your practice in order to connect on a body, mind & soul level.

During her own journey, she found that her body had access to so much knowledge and answers that she had been disconnected from for far too long. And once mindfulness practices were actively added to this, she experienced long-lasting effects: Life unfolded beautifully, she was present in the here and now and she noticed how she deliberately was creating her daily experiences and life itself.

Anne-Christin understood quickly that this is how life was meant to be and feel like, however, she realized that the vast majority experienced life much differently. She therefore made it her mission to share these modalities with as many people as possible in order for them to experience this joy, ease and flow on a daily basis.

Living in Mallorca, Spain, she works as an Embodiment Coach with clients online or in person combining all the modalities she has learnt and helping people to live a life in balance.

If you like to find out more you can check out her website and Instagram: /


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